

















  • ドイツ大使館:日本出国からドイツに入国するまで。
  • 在ドイツ日本大使館:ドイツに入国してから滞在まで。
  • 現地の外国人局:現地でのビザ申請に必要となる書類等。












What applies to air and sea travel outside of the European Union (entering Germany from a non-EU member state)?

On 30 June 2020, the Council of the EU adopted the Council Recommendation on the temporary restriction on non-essential travel into the EU and the possible lifting of such restriction (Council document 2020/912). According to this recommendation, member states intend to lift, in a coordinated and gradual way, the temporary restriction of non-essential travel into the EU for residents of certain third countries (that is, those who have their domicile or habitual residence there). The list of these third countries is regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.

Based on this recommendation, Germany implemented the entry restrictions as of 2 July 2020. These restrictions are updated as required by circumstances (when countries are classified as risk areas); the latest such update was on 1 February 2021

Germany allows unrestricted entry for residents of the following countries:

  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • Thailand


In addition, the list is to be expanded to include

  • China
  • Hong Kong and Macao SARs of the People’s Republic of China

as soon as the possibility of mutual entry is confirmed.

For all persons residing in a third country that is not included in the above list, the current restrictions on travel continue to apply, i.e. these persons may enter Germany only if they serve in an important role or if there is an urgent need for their travel (see What constitutes an urgent need for travel?). A person is considered to reside in a country if they have their domicile or habitual residence there. A person is specifically considered to have their domicile in a country if they have spent the past six months there.

The restrictions do not apply to German citizens.

EU citizens and nationals of Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland and the members of their immediate family (spouse, unmarried minor children, parents of minors) are exempted from the travel restrictions.

The same applies to third-country nationals who already have a longer-term right of residence in an EU member state or a Schengen country and the members of their immediate family, provided the relevant passport and visa requirements are met.


Initial entry by third-country nationals, however, is only permitted if they demonstrate that one of the exemptions from the entry restrictions applies to them, that is, if they have either their domicile or their habitual residence in a third country on the German positive list or if there is an urgent need for the entry (see What constitutes an urgent need for travel?). Regarding entry by family members, see also What special conditions apply to entry into Germany by family members who are nationals of a third country that is not on the positive list?






  • 家族の証明としてアポスティーユと認証翻訳を添付した戸籍謄本
  • ドイツ在住者のパスポート並びに滞在許可のコピー
  • 場合によって、アポスティーユと認証翻訳を添付した住民票(私の日本在住確認のため)
  • 場合によって、ドイツ在住者の住民登録の証明や賃貸契約書
  • 場合によって、ドイツ在住者の就労の証明








What pandemic-related restrictions apply to air, sea and overland travel?

If you are entering the Federal Republic of Germany from another country and have spent time in a risk area in the ten days before arriving in Germany, you are required by law to travel directly to your home or other appropriate accommodation and to stay there for ten days (quarantine).Violations constitute an administrative offence and may be punished by a fine of up to 25,000 euro.

risk area is a country or region outside of the Federal Republic of Germany where there is an increased risk of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus when the traveller enters Germany. Germany’s Robert Koch Institute continuously updates a list of risk areas.

Before entering Germany, you must register at www.einreiseanmeldung.de and have confirmation of your registration with you when you arrive. This confirmation will be checked by your transport provider and may also be checked by the Federal Police at the border checkpoint. The Federal Police are also conducting checks at Germany’s borders within the Schengen area, for example of travellers entering by land.

In addition, you must be tested for COVID-19 no more than 48 hours after entering Germany and be able to present the responsible authority with proof of a negative test result or corresponding medical certificate confirming the absence of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, on request in the ten days after you arrive.

If you are entering Germany from an area with a particularly high risk of infection, you must be tested before departure, because you will need to present the responsible authority or border official with proof of a negative test result when you arrive in Germany. If you are using a transport provider, you will need to present this provider with proof of a negative test result before you depart. For example, if you are flying from the UK to Germany, you will have to present your airline with proof of a negative test result before boarding your flight. The same applies to travelling by train, bus or ship.

Areas with a particularly high risk of infection are those with particularly high numbers of cases (high incidence areas) and regions in which virus variants of concern (areas of variant of concern) have spread. These areas are also listed on the Robert Koch Institute website

Germany’s federal states issue rules on quarantine under their own authority. For this reason, please consult the website of the federal state you are travelling to, where you live or where you intend to stay, as rules may vary from state to state.

You will find more information on the websites of the Robert Koch Institute and the Federal Ministry of Health























